Monday, May 3, 2010

More Work And New Ideas...

I hooked up with this guy in Washington State over the internet and bought a big box of spare kz200 parts for $30 including shipping. It took two weeks, but it got here today. Boy oh Boy am I happy with this purchase. The box had a few things that I don’t need and hopefully I will end up selling these parts, but it also included brand new fork seals, brand new shiny starter, engine covers that are in real bad shape on the engine that I am working on are in immaculate condition in this box. The best of it are the grease seals for the steering stem and ball bearing assembly, SWEET…

So besides all that I got myself a grinder and been cutting and polishing some metal. I cut off a seat lock. I ravaged the welding and was worried until I put the grinder to work again and grinded the metal smooth. I then practiced some of the striping on the rear part of the frame that I am planning to chop off. Pictures are below and I am happy with the result.

I decided that I am going to take the chassis apart again, strip it completely and get it powder coated with the bars and everything else. In addition to this I started to take the motor apart. Took the cases off and the engine threw up on me. Yes, through up on me with a mixture of goo, old oil and rust. I spoke to a friend of mine who is a mechanic and he offered to soak the entire thing in parts cleaner over night for me at his shop. That beats it sitting in a bucket of diesel in my garage, so I will take the engine to his shop tomorrow. Some photos below:

Still Working On It!

I haven’t blogged about my project for a few weeks. That doesn’t mean that I didn’t do any work on it, just no time to sit down and blog about it. Plus this takes discipline and I am still working on mine.

I’ve spent some dollar also. I had to get a new front axle, which was not a problem. The axle holder bracket however was a challenge. The part is not manufactured any longer and the junk yards and the vintage gurus on the internet were no help. The picture of the part is below:

After ordering the part twice for different KZ models with no luck, I ended up modifying the bracket from a KZ450. By making the holder fit on the front fork I had to make sure that the axle will stay put, I drilled a hole through the end of the axle on the side of the bracket (left) and put a locking pin through it.

I traded the stock gas tank to a 2.2 liter small custom peanut shape tank and some other spare parts for a 14” handle bars and decided to do a mock up roller assembly. I started by making steering bearings using bearing grease and loose bearing balls, which I ordered on line. They were like $4 for a hundred of each size. I needed two sizes:

After that was complete I followed with the assembly of the front end and the wheel, rear shocks , rear wheel and the handle bars. Mocked up the tank and this is what turned out: